Szanowni Państwo,
poniżej znajdziecie linki do utrwalonych na video wystąpień, które zorganizowane były online w 2021 i w 2022 r. przez Brytyjski ICOMOS– Międzynarodowy Komitet Drewna.
Z poważaniem Dominik Mączyński, Komisja Drewna PKN ICOMOS.
No11. 24 June 2021. Martin Bridge PhD. How old is that windmill?
No13. 26 August 2021. Linda Lindblad. Pine Tar – Rediscovering traditional tar making to preserve wooden heritage
No14. 30 September 2021 Svitlana Olianina PhD. Ukrainian Iconostasis: symbolism and iconology
No15. 11 April 2022. Rob Sands PhD. Old maps, channel change, serendipity, and loss: Wooden medieval fish weirs on the Fergus Estuary, Co. Clare, Ireland.
No18. 07 September 2022. Michael Nevell PhD. Researching cruck buildings in North West England
No19. 17 October 2022. Lee Prosser PhD. Baltic marks on imported timber in the 18th and 19th centuries
No20. 15 November 2022. Amy McAuley. Necessity is the Mother of Invention - how the creation of sprung sash planes helped form a Conservation Joiner